Clay School Community Block Party on Tap for Thursday

The City of Wheeling, along with other project stakeholders, invites the community to join them at a community block party aimed at shaping the future of the Clay School. The event will be held from 6-9 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 19 from at the J.B. Chambers Memorial Recreational Park.

In addition to City of Wheeling officials, organizations present will include Tipping Point Real Estate Development, non-profit organization Wheeling Heritage and Men of Change, a group of leaders from Wheeling’s black community.

The agenda for the evening is as follows:

  • 6 p.m.: Welcome remarks by Tipping Point, Men of Change and City of Wheeling, and Clay School survey findings.
  • 6:30 p.m.: Breakout sessions on youth, education, recreation, housing, and other key topics.
  • 7 p.m.: Collective sharing from breakout groups, live voting, and discussions on the next steps.
  • 7:30 p.m.: Block Party social hour with vendors hosted by Wheeling Heritage and Men of Change.

“We believe a festive and inclusive event will offer a relaxed atmosphere that encourages open dialogue among residents, city officials, and stakeholders,” said Robert Herron, Wheeling’s City Manager. “By creating a space where individuals can engage outside the confines of formal meetings, people will be more likely to share their thoughts, concerns and aspirations.”


The City launched an online survey in June aimed to provide a forum for residents to express their opinions, share insights and contribute to the decision making process regarding the Clay School’s revitalization. The building, located in East Wheeling, has been vacant for decades.

"We're excited to bring the neighborhood together and give people the opportunity to share their ideas, hopes and concerns about the development of the Clay School Project," said Men of Change President Joe Sparksman. "We want to make sure that this project benefits the people who live in our community, and this is the time to have your voices be heard."

The core objectives of the block party include providing residents – particularly voices of those residing in East Wheeling –  a say in the redevelopment process, analyzing survey results in a collaborative way, and addressing community questions and concerns regarding the project.

More: City News